Monday, January 14, 2019

Audience theory

The Two step flow theory.
The two step flow theory was thought up by Katz & Lazarsfield, 1955.

Considerable support for the two-step flow of information- Almost half the information that originates from the media passes to the masses indirectly via a diffuse intermediate layer of opinion leaders, who although classified as ordinary users, are more connected and more exposed to the media than their followers. 

Media- opinion leaders- followers 
  1. The media being the news or information that can be interpreted different by certain  people.
  2. Opinion leaders are defined as people who are respected individuals within the community. Such as prominent celebrities or journalists, however nowadays opinion leaders tend to sides the media entirely and speak with us directly using social media.
  3. The opinion leaders would then pass on the information that they have interpreted onto their followers. 
An example of an opinion leader giving information onto their followers would be Al Gore doing a documentary about global warming. His followers would watch this and if they particularly liked him as a person they would tend to believe him and believe what he says over other people. 
This media however could be very biased as a particular opinion leader may have a particular understanding that would make the media then  be misread or misunderstood as the followers only see what the opinion leaders see. 

hypodermic model -?
Reception theory-?
Uses and gratification theory-?

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