Project management tools
The production of a digital media product is a complex project containing a multitude of tasks together with the allocation of a wide variety of resources. There are a number of tools that can be used to manage this product, which allow these tasks and resources to be allocated and monitored efficiently.
Project management software
Modern computer systems have allowed the development of software to manage projects in a more efficient manner. There are a wide variety of programs that have been developed that contain a range of features. Most programs contain the following:
- Resource allocation- Each task and the project overall requires specific resources. This feature allows the resources to be allocated to specific tasks and quickly and efficiently so that nothing is wasted and any gaps can be swiftly identified.
- Report creation/printing- Working within a team to create a project requires good communication to happen quickly and efficiently. Reports allow information to be given to different members of the project easily so that they are aware of what their role is in the project.
- Task allocation- A project is broken down into its varied tasks and these can be allocated to specific people working on the project
- Scheduling- Once the tasks have been created, the whole project can be scheduled with specific time frames being given to tasks can then be put together to create the overall project by the deadline.
Overall, project management allows all of these aspects to be created quickly and efficiently with the software carrying out most of the processing in the background based on the data that is given. The software available ranges from free open-source products to those that charge monthly subscription fees, and finally to bespoke software that costs a large sum to purchase.
- Spreadsheets- Project management can be carried out using spreadsheet software with the various cells in the spreadsheets allocated for task allocation and scheduling.
- Project schedule- A timetable that allocates resources and processes to a project. Starting with the final deadline for a project, you work backwards, allocating tasks, resources, contingencies and time to the various aspects of the procedure.
Key terms:
- Milestones- checkpoints built into tasks so that the media production allows tracking for performance against a deadline.
- Gantt chart- A timetable schedule of tasks with resources allocated to them. Uses blocks of colour to symbolise periods in a visual way.
- Production schedule- An overall view of a media production with all the tasks, resources and timescales included.
- Contingency- A back up resource; extra time that is allocated to a task.